Monday, December 30, 2019

5 Ideas to Craft a Fantastic Cover Letter Introduction

5 Ideas to Craft a Fantastic Cover Letter Introduction5 Ideas to Craft a Fantastic Cover Letter IntroductionThe task of writing a cover letter can leave even the most eloquent writer staring at the screen. That first paragraph can be daunting and often feel like the hardest to write. How can you start yur cover letter introduction to effectively capture the attention of the hiring manager?Weve got a few ideas to help you craft a fantastic cover letter introduction. If youre stuck or need some inspiration, these five ideas can hopefully help you write a cover letter that gets you hired. And be sure to check out our cover letter tips section to help you with every aspect of your cover letter, big and small.Five Ideas to Craft a Fantastic Cover Letter Introduction1. Talk about a passion.If you have a passion thats related to the company, its mission, or its product or services, your cover letter introduction can be a great place to show this off. An anecdote can be a great way to convey something personal like a passion. Perhaps theres a conversation or an event you can leverage to create a quick story. Keep yourself honest and dont fake a passion simply to get hired.Example Many years ago I found myself at a crossroads financially. I sought help from a variety of sources, but the most meaningful was the assistance I received a from my financial planner. The direction and guidance provided has changed the course of my life, and ever since then Ive had a passion for helping people take control of their financial lives.2. Talk about your enthusiasm for the company.If youre already well-versed on the company, or maybe even a consumer of the company youre applying at, mentioning this at the start of your cover letter can help you stand out from the crowd. Companies will likely want to hire someone who has in-depth knowledge of the companys products, services, or internal workings. If youre already a huge fan, share this enthusiasm.Example I first used Company ABCs sof tware when I was a project manager working on streamlining the companys new account projects. Since then its been my go-to software for each and every project Ive managed over the years. Ive admired your product and your company throughoutmy career, and I was very excited to see a position open up with your company.3. Mention your accomplishments.Particularly if youre applying for a high-level job, mentioning your career accomplishments in your cover letter introduction can immediately signify to the reader that youre qualified for the job. Look over the job description and pull in keywords directly from it, if theyre applicable to your skills. It can be difficult for some people to talk about their accomplishments, especially right off the bat in the cover letter, but doing so can be impressive to a hiring manager.ExampleWith an MBA in marketing, having increased my companys website visitors by over 120% in the last year, and running a successful PPC campaign,I believe Im an ideal candidate for your marketing manager position.4. Mention your company contact.As the saying goes, Its bedrngnis what you know, its who you know. If you have a company contact, whether a current employee, a former employee, or a company client, mention it. Hiring managers are much more likely to consider you for a position if you come recommended by someone they know. So drop a anthroponym if you have one. However, make sure thats okay with your contact. And better yet, see if they have a direct contact you can send your resume and cover letter to.ExampleWhen Matt Smith told me about your open editor position, I knew I had to apply. Over the years Matt has spoken highly of the company, making it one of my top picks. Matt and I worked together years ago at Company B where we worked together on many projects.5. Insert some humor.Before trying this idea out, really assess the company culture. Not all companies will appreciate a little humor, and it could end up moving your application t o the trash if its not well received. Hopefully at this point youve done some research on the company, but be sure to check out its social media profiles as well. This can give you a good idea of the vibe of the company and whether or not you can use this approach in your cover letter introduction. Keep your humor clean, professional, and free or any sexist or racist connotations.ExampleAs the reigning Monopoly king of my third grade classroom, I learned a few things about being successful it takes hard work, determination, and buying Boardwalk. Well, maybe not the last one But determination and hard work have gotten me far in my career.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Stand Out From the Crowd While Job Searching

How to Stand Out From the Crowd While Job SearchingHow to Stand Out From the Crowd While Job SearchingJob searching can be difficult. Standing out among stacks of other applicants and actually landing an interview, that can be even more difficult. So, how do you get noticed, showcase your skills and show a company that you will be a good fit if they barely even glance at your resume?Page Kemnahad the right idea. After job searching for some time and not landing any leads, Page had the idea to showcase her talents in a unique way. After realizing that her resume wasnt getting her anywhere, she decided to show companies what she could bring to the table.A person is so much more than what is on a resume. Everyone deserves more than a 20-30 second glance and its up to you to put yourself in the spotlight. Take an opportunity to show who you are, not what your resume says. Take the opportunity to stand out from the crowd.Make a reputation for yourselfPage was able to express her talents b y posting this video on LinkedIn. She was ambitious, set herself apart from her competition, and because of that, she was noticed. After only 3 days of sharing her video, she has over 140,000 views, 500 comments and 3500 likes on LinkedIn. She received messages from hiring managers at companies like Google, Cisco, Expedia, and many others. She made a reputation for herself on LinkedIn with just one video.Resumes and interviews are boring. They dont give you the chance to show who you really are. Maybe you can tell someone that you are ambitious and creative. Perhaps you can even tell them what skills that you bring to the table. But nothing speaks louder than actually showing what you have to offer making a reputation for yourself and that is precisely what Page did.Go the extra mileI will go the extra mile and show you that Im worthwhile, Page sang as she poured her heart out on LinkedIn in an effort to reach hiring managers. She did more than just fill out an application and submi t her resume. She took the manahme and showed why she deserved the interview. She showed her ambition and talent and proved that she would be an asset to any company.Page used a unique technique to show her skills that you dont see on a resume. She confirmed that she can think outside of the box. She put herself out there and showed courage, confidence, creativity, and brains. These are things that every company values.Ask yourselfWhen a company starts interviewing, they invite more than one candidate. You have the opportunity before and after the interview to make yourself memorable, in the right way. Ask yourselfWhy am I the best fit for this role?How can I present my talents beyond my resume?What skills and talents do I have that will make an impact in this role?How can I make a positive reputation for myself?Asking yourself these questions will help you take the extra steps needed to present yourself as a more memorable, qualified, desirable and interested candidate. They will h elp you decide the best way for you to make an impression.Take risksBottom line is, Page took a risk. She wasnt the average job seeker. She saw a way to delineate herself from the crowd and stand out in a way that showed the best version of herself. In todays highly competitive job market, you need to make an impression in order to win. Put yourself out there, take a risk and show those companies what you are made of.You know your talents, you know what you are capable of. Now its time to get out there and show others what you are capable of. Show them why they should hire you over other candidates. Dont be the average typical job seeker. Make use of your talents and use them to become a memorable job seeker and soon enough, you will be recognized for your unique skills and abilities.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

5 Tips to Build Killer Communication Skills (Even if Youre Shy)

5 Tips to Build Killer Communication Skills (Even if Youre Shy)5 Tips to Build Killer Communication Skills (Even if Youre Shy)Sending emails, fielding queries and interacting with colleaguesmay come effortlessly to some admins. But what if you tend to be shy or introverted? Weve got some thoughts on how you can develop mora assertive communication skills.Are you an introvert or a shy person who longs for stronger communication skills - especially in stressful situations? Well let you in on a secret The key to being an excellent verbal communicator is confidence. Take something like asking for a raise. A Robert Half survey shows that many employees are lacking in confidence to such an extent that theyd rather have a root canal or an IRS audit than ask for a pay raise.If that sounds familiar, read on. Weve got five tips you can use to boost your confidence and your verbal communication skills.1. Speak upWhen youre asked to participate in meetings, dont try to melt into the wall. Offer your opinion. A common tendency is for shy people to think their perspectives arent valuable, but this simply isnt the case. You wouldnt have been asked to participate if others werent interested in your point of view.2. Practice presentingDo you have to present a summary of new office procedures to the entire administrative team? Spend a few days rehearsing at home before taking your presentation public. Practice really does make perfect when it comes to communication skills.Have your spouse, partner, kids or even the cat listen to you rehearse. Having your presentation down pat before the big day will make you more confident once you stand at the front of the room.Another tip Dont forget to make eye contact throughout your rehearsal and presentation. It will feel awkward at first, but you will come across as more authoritative and in command.3. Let it goDid you stumble over your words on the phone or send out an email with a typo? Forget about it. Everyone makes mistakes at work. Of course, you want to learn from your stumbles so you dont repeat them. But theres no need to replay conversations in your mind or frantically stalk your inbox to see if anyone critiques your writing skills. Focus instead on how youll improve your communication skills going forward.4. Join a professional organizationYou may feel more comfortable speaking up around fellow professionals if you dont see them 40 hours a week. And youll find that networking is a great way to help you build confidence over time. Eventually, the habit of offering your point of view or making suggestions will follow you back to the office.5. Take small stepsSlowly ease yourself outside of your comfort zone by setting small goals for yourself. For example, Mondays objective could be to ask a question in your weekly staff meeting. Celebrate once youve met that goal and then set a new one, like asking colleagues to join you for a working lunch.Each time you successfully meet these goals in overcoming your shy ness, your confidence will grow until you notice youre not really shy at work anymore.If youre naturally shy or introverted, it may be painful to employ these tips at first. But sticking with them will pay off. Youll find your confidence increasing over time, and one day - as youre wowing the team with your communication skills - youll wonder why this was ever a worry in the first place.Read these 12 quick inspirational quotes to help you build confidence at work.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Account Services Department of an Advertising Agency

Account Services Department of an Advertising AgencyAccount Services Department of an Advertising AgencyOne of the largest departments in any advertising agency is account services. Once referred to as the suits, because they always dressed in mora formal clothing than other departments, account services brings together the client and the creative department. The main job of the account services department is to keep work flowing into the agency, by establishing good relationships with clients and constantly overseeing the creative departments work. Account services meets with clients, takes requests for work, and writes briefs. They also act as the go-between, presenting work to, and bringing feedback from, the client. When a client relationship sours for whatever reason, the members of the account services department know about it before anyone else. It is their job to be proactive and maintain a good working relationship ?because without clients, there is no ad agency. While accou nt services roles are relatively standard industry-wise, many departments have additional roles within the standard roles, including juniorchef and senior positions. In smaller shops, only a few people may do the work of many. Account Coordinator The entry-level job in the account services department, the account coordinator is a learning role for a graduate or someone new to the business. Although a lot of time will be spent on the administration side of the account, this is a stepping stone to the many duties of an account executive. Account Executive This account executive (AE) plays a major role in any advertising agency. Typically, an AE is assigned to just a few (or sometimes only one) of the many accounts on the agencys client roster. This is because the AE needs to have an intimate understanding of their clients core business, and also ensures that a strong working relationship is established between the client and the AE. The AE usually takes assignments from client s, working with them to create creative briefs for the creative department. The AE also handles budgets, pitches, timing of jobs (in conjunction with traffic), and the day-to-day running of the account. The AE reports to the account manager, or sometimes to the account director. Account Planner Often integrated with the account services department, the account planners role is quite different than that of the other members of the team. A good account planner is a strategic, critical thinker and researcher, more in tune with the consumer than the client. In short, the account manager knows what the client wants or needs, and the account planner knows what the consumer wants. The account planner often drives the strategic direction of each campaign and ensures the creative work is both on-brand and strategically focused. The account planner is a key role, but many shops place the burdens of account planning on the account manager or director. Larger agencies will have an entire de partment dedicated to account planning. Account Manager A more senior role, the account manager is the main point of contact for one or two specific accounts. While they may not oversee the day-to-day running of the account, they are responsible for managing that account and maintaining an excellent client relationship. The account manager establishes budgets with the client, is there for conflict resolution, ensures timely deliverables, writes creative briefs, and approves payments to and from the client. The account manager is also in charge of contracts and contract renewals, quality control on the account, and actively pursues new opportunities with the client. The more opportunities, the more work, and money, for the agency. Above all, account managers know more about the accounts than anyone else in the agency. They are the go-to people for that brand. An account manager reports directly to either an account director or agency director, providing input on all account activ ity. Account Director The account director steers the account services ship in the same way a creative director steers the creative department. Account directors know their own companys structure and workings inside and out, and also have exceptional business skills and salesmanship. Most agencies have an account director pitch new work alongside the creative director. While the creative director provides insight into the creative work, the account director helps the client to understand why its good for their business. A truly excellent account director is also strategic, disciplined thinker who provides excellent creative briefs when necessary and assists in the overall direction and execution of each campaign.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction Chain Reaction Chain ReactionAdditive manufacturing, also known as 3-D printing, is a win-win for people who restore classic cars and the companies that made them.Take for example the Porsche 959, the worlds fastest street car when introduced in 1987. Only 292 were ever made and spare partes are either scarce or nonexistent.When inventories ran out, Porsche would pull out old tooling and make a small batch for future use. This year, however, Porsche announced it would begin scanning several parts into CAD models and print them on demand, a faster and less costly process.Porsche is not the only automaker doing this. Mercedes-Benz makes 30 additive spares parts for older Daimler trucks. And Volvo has introduced some parts as well.These parts mark the auto industrys first tentative steps in using additive manufacturing to fill its supply chain. They certainly wont be the last.While additive manufacturing is usually the most expensive way to make any part, it makes economi c sense for supply chains. Which is why manufacturers of everything from aircraft and rolling stock to appliances, industrial equipment, and medical devices are looking at 3-D supply chain solutionsas are the U.S. Marines and UPS.Todays global supply chains begin with raw materials and parts used to build products and extend to the distribution and storage of spare parts for service. They vary in length and complexity. An industrial pump or motor might have scores of parts, a car 30,000, and a jetliner 3 to 4 million.Manufacturers must make spare parts for all of them. So, they make extras during production, when tooling is in distribution policy and parts cost less to manufacture. Then they go into inventory.You May Also Like Manufacturing Special ReportSome parts, like bearings, motor windings, and brake pads, are always in demand. They return their initial investment quickly. Others stay in storage for decades on end. In fact, logistics giant DHL believes excess and rarely used s tock may sometimes total mora than 20 percent of all inventory. Thats expensive.Additive manufacturing promises to address those problems and more. Additive can make parts to order from digital files that cost pennies to store on servers. It can also consolidate multiple parts and fasteners into a handful to integrated structures that simplify sourcing.On the factory floor, it can slash the time needed to order tools, jigs, and fixtures. And because additive machines are so flexible, they can act like baseballs utility infielders and pick up the slack when other machines or vendors go down.At least, thats the promise. For 30 years, additive manufacturing has made all sorts of promises. Yet machines remained slow, materials expensive, and printers too inconsistent for critical parts. And additive was costly.Today, however, the technology is turning the past on its head.A New Dawn for AdditiveAdditive works by printing parts from digital models, layer by layer, without molds or toolin g. It excels at complex partslightweight brackets, radically shaped junctions, and conformal cooling channelsthat could not be made any other way.The sweet spot for 3-D is when parts are complex, light weight, for add functionality, said Terry Wohlers, the industrys best-known consultant.Additive manufacturing is almost always the most expensive way to make parts. Industry happily paid the price for prototypes, which save money by helping engineers find and address flaws before committing to production. Yet, additive struggled to break into manufacturing, where cost matters.A sudden blossoming of new technologies has changed that. As patents expired, new competitors and startupsfunded by $700 million in venture capital over the past few yearsentered the market. Many of these new technologies are faster, more capable, and more affordable than ever before.Take, for example, startup Carbons system to make mesh midsoles for Adidas sneakers. It uses lasers to solidify liquid polymers and heat to customize their mechanical properties.The process takes minutes and yields an intricate mesh of 20,000 individually tuned struts that control impact and energy transfer when running. Adidas expects to sell more than 100,000 pairs of sneakers this year and millions in 2019.Designers are also learning to tap additives ability to make complex parts economically. The best-known example is GE Aerospaces fuel injector nozzle for its LEAP turbofan jet engine, which was approved for flight by Federal Aviation Administration in 2015.The team redesigned it to create intricate cooling passages that would have been difficult to manufacture, Steve Taub, managing director of GE Ventures, said. This meant we could run hotter, which had a tremendous impact on the whole engine. The part performed better, was more durable, used less fuel, and costs less.GE plans to eventually ramp up production to 40,000 to 50,000 units.GEs latest luftschraube engine goes further. Using additive manufacturin g, GE consolidated 855 parts into just 12 components. This slashed weight by 5 percent and lowered fuel burn by 20 percentwhile reducing production and assembly costs.Boeing 787 uses more than 60,000 additive parts. Image BoeingParts are starting to show up in low-volume applications. Boeing and Airbus aircraft use tens of thousands of 3-D interior parts, as well as a handful of low-risk structural parts. BMW is printing a metal part to raise and lower the i8 Roadsters convertible roof. Stryker has invested $400 million in a new 3-D facility to make medical implants.Only a few years ago, it was cheaper to switch to injection molding after a few thousand parts. Today, Wohlers likes to show off a small black spindle with two gears. An HP 3-D printer can churn out about 100,000 units before molding makes sense, he said.After years of knocking at the door, additive manufacturing is finally entering the mainstream. For every company that has taken a first step, there are dozens looking f or applications. Often, they focus on supply chains.Chain LinksTodays 3-D printed parts will be stored digitally and printed on demand in the future. It also makes sense to scan some older parts and print them to order rather than hold them in inventory. The same is true for parts that rarely fail, but that producers must stock just in case.Additive is also cost-effective to repair customized industrial equipment, such as pumps that have been in service for decades where tooling (or the original producer) no longer exists.Virtually every large automaker, aerospace firm, and appliance maker, and industrial company is considering these use cases today, Wohlers said. Their attraction is as diverse as their productions.For example, Stanley Black Decker needed to replace a hydraulic pump actuator for a post driver made 20 years ago. The company redesigned the piece to be one part and cut production costs by using a Markforged 3-D metal printer.It might take six weeks and $1,000 to manuf acture a part that is out of stock, explained Andrew de Geofroy, vice president of application engineering at Markforged. If the part broke, the machine could be down for weeks. With 3-D printing, they can replace it faster and at a lower cost.The Marine Corps, on the other hand, values additives flexibility, said Capt. Matthew Friedell, additive manufacturing lead at the Marines main acquisition command.If I have a mission and take two spare water pumps, they only can do a water pump function, he said. But if I bring eight pounds of powdered aluminum instead, I can make 300 parts that might break down. It will greatly affect the supply chain, and how we maintain our vehicles and systems going forward.Boeing, meanwhile, uses additive to make custom tooling and fixtures used to speed machining and assembly. These shop floor fixes are essential as Boeing ramps of the production of its latest 737 to 57 airplanes per year.If a mechanic needed a tool, a designer would create it and send it out, said Nyle Miyamoto, Boeing Commercial Airplanes chief engineer for additive manufacturing. That could take months, and thats too slow.On the new line, we will have cells on the floor for designers to create and print these parts. They can cut hundreds of hours off fitting large parts together, and we can now turn them into reality overnight.Thinking BiggerYet de Geofroy calls the ability to print replacement parts faster and cheaper table stakes, the bare minimum needed to make additive manufacturing a supply chain player.Its only when you understand the secondary benefits that you binnensee 3-Ds true transformational effects, he said. Thats whats driving larger customers to embrace additive.After surveying 38 German manufacturers, international business consultant PwC agrees. Additive makes sense, but only if companies factor in its effects on the entire supply chain, and ultimately the total cost of ownership as well as the potential benefits of radical changes in product design.PwC imagines a system where customers or suppliers order spare parts from a manufacturers web page. Within hours, nearby 3-D service bureaus have downloaded the files, printed the parts, and sped them to the customer. Or the customer prints parts on its own equipment, eliminating shipping costs, tariffs, and delays.For industry, faster spares mean more machine uptime and fewer production disruptions. For consumers, they mean less waiting for someone to repair a car or appliance.Vendors also gain. They improve customer service, and they can slash inventories without worrying about disrupting production to produce spare parts. By redesigning parts for additive (like Stanley), they can reduce production costs and deliver parts that need no on-site assembly. PwC estimates that additive could help ultimately save manufacturers 20 percent in total cost of ownership of spare parts.Yet half the firms PwC interviewed remained skeptical about logistics savings. UPS, one of the worlds l argest manufacturing logistics companies, begs to differ.UPSs vice president of corporate strategy, Alan Amling, sees a world where goods will be produced in lower quantities and more frequently, closer to the point of consumption.That threatens UPSs industrial storage and shipping business. To stay ahead of the curve, UPS partnered with enterprise software giant SAP and additive manufacturer Fast Radius to roll out industrial 3-D printers globally, starting with its Supply Chain Solutions facility in Louisville, Ky.If we get a call for a part at 5 p.m. and it takes seven hours to print it, we can still get that part anywhere in the United States by 8 a.m. the next morning, Amling said. We really do not see this as a manufacturing solution, but as a supply chain solution.UPS saw the light when it analyzed its critical service parts logistics business, whose 1,000 warehouses provide local storage and fast delivery for essential parts.Those parts are in our inventory, and we know that a lot of them turn very slowly or not at all, Amling said. Its a huge cost for our customers, but they have to have them, just in case, right? So, when additive manufacturing started to go beyond prototypes, we decided that we needed to get in the game.TransformationIn a 2015 paper, Timothy Simpson, a professor of mechanical engineering at Pennsylvania State University, and Irene Petrick, Intels director of corporate strategy, argued that additives economies of one could change manufacturing forever, and even blur the lines between production and supply chain.Since the days of Henry Ford, its all been about economies of scale, Simpson said. The more you can produce, the more units you can amortize your cost over, and the cheaper things are to make.But, with additive manufacturing, there are opportunities to produce things economically in smaller quantities. If you take this to the extreme, then you really are able to manufacture things one at a time, hence, economies of one.?And 3- D printing makes it possible to not only manufacture those parts but support them in the field.Simpson envisions a world where corporations no longer kill good ideas because they cannot generate enough volume Instead, you can greenlight new products, take more risks, go after niche markets, do all sorts of things that you might not have done before, Simpson said.He expects more customization. A pump company could develop impellers for different viscosities, flow pressures, and temperatures. These might boost performance enough to justify a premium price.In fact, customization could make manufacturing a service. A running store could measure a customers foot and stride and deliver a custom pair of sneakers in a day or two.Simpson also believes engineers will increasingly embed opportunities for customization into designs.GEs Taub agrees We actually do that today, with conventional manufacturing processes. In businesses like aviation and power, there are services that provide upgrades and modifications that improve performance. Additive just allows us to do it faster and with less risk on our side because we dont have to invest in tooling.Still, challenges remain. Hardware must get better and faster, and materials more economical, for 3-D to see widespread use. Vendors are moving in that direction, but still have a way to go.Additive machining must also face up to post-processing costs. Most 3-D parts use support structures to stabilize layers. Users must separate the parts and finish them using solvents and conventional machining. This can take 10 or more different steps, including disposal of dangerous wastes and such exotic finishing processes as hot isostatic pressing for metal aerospace parts. Wohlers estimates that post-processing accounts for 70 percent of 3-D part cost.Then there is software. A common complaint among users is that 3-D printers offer more capabilities than CAD software can model.This is changing, said Jose Coronado, manufacturing and simu lation product manager at PTC, an engineering software company. PTCs latest Creo CAD software offers several tools for additive designers.One is topology optimization, which converts blocky conventional parts into flowing meshes that weigh less and use less materials. Another integrates simulation with design, so engineers can see how design changes affect part performance.The simulation runs all the time and enables designers to replace assumptions about behavior during use with facts, Coronado said.And, finally, the industry needs more use cases, said Wohlers Its like the chicken and the egg. Everyone is looking for use cases to justify 3-D, but they need an existing use case to prove it will work.Given all the ways additive can transform the supply chain, from simplified aircraft engines to spare parts for restored cars, those case studies are sure to follow. And what comes next is anyones guess. MEAlan s. brown is a senior editor at Mechanical Engineering magazine.Also read A Sp ecial Report on Additive Manufacturing

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Hidden Truth Regarding Resume Builder for Free Revealed by an Old Pro

The Hidden Truth Regarding Resume Builder for Free Revealed by an Old Pro To save a whole lot of heartache down the road, ensure you use our resume builder to create a document that could be easily transferred to several job applications. During an interview, in the majority of scenarios, a resume operates as a guide for you as well as the employer. When it has to do with your work history, begin with the latest job you had. If you are in possession of a lengthy employment history, you dont will need to include all of it. You only have to put down the credentials that will likely be employed on each and every application abilities and experience related to particular jobs, and of course your opening paragraph, ought to be crafted to fit a specific job description. A resume thats sometimes called a curriculum vitae is important whenever youre looking for employment. Attempt to keep the resume no longer than 1 page, especially if youre asking for an entry-level job. Also make c ertain you tailor the document to the job youre applying for. To begin with, as soon as the recruiters go through your resume, they receive a very first impression of your profile. The work search may be a lengthy process just consider the statistics below Our easy resume builder tafelgeschirr does not demand advanced technical understanding, which means that you can concentrate on spending time sifting through your great achievements as you decide what things to include, in place of on attempting to work out the way to use our new program. The service also provides many example CVs, dependent on the business, so you are able to secure some hints and ideas about how your CV should look, dependent on your career path. A basic resume is also less difficult to read. The point is to let you can boost your CV as much as you desire. If youve got extensive experience, longer may be critical. Zetys resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. The site supplies a selection of premium resume templates and designs that it is possible to download to MS Word. Unlike the majority of the online resume builder sites that need the user to register, it doesnt require registration. The site is straightforward and user-friendly. The site also provides essential strategies and guides to make Resume more attractive and potent. Theres a great possibility that many others copied the exact sample you did. There are lots of free creative resume templates its possible to use, permitting you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. Resumizer free resume creator allows you to preview your resume at any moment in the creation practice. If you decide to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. You are able to choose different colours and font. Theres no precise length for a resume, and theres no voreingestellt to it. Then it may be time to bring some style to your resume You only have to cli ck the print option, and you are prepared to fill your form or CV. A trick to maintain the exceptional layout chosen is to use PDF to conserve the resume. Whichever resume format you pick, make certain to include examples of accomplishments that benefited your prior employers. Perusing resume templates and deciding upon the one whichs appropriate for you. You also receive the choice to settle on a template from the bunch of beautiful resume templets out there. Lots of people swear by LinkedIn, which likewise makes it effortless to attach with potential employers. A fundamental text editor at no cost, providing you a printable resume template. It is not hard to develop and simple measures to follow. The solution is yes in the event you need to.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Employees are on the Move Making Virtual Interviews Your Secret Hiring Weapon

Employees are on the Move Making Virtual Interviews Your Secret Hiring WeaponFor years, theres been talk about a talent shortage. Today, the hiring world is focused on how low-unemployment is only increasing the talent crisis. In fact, new data from the 2018 Deloitte Millennial Survey shows proof that hiring pros need to adjust their focus to what may be a mass career exodus. The results revealed 43 percent of millennials plan on exiting their jobs within the next two years.Additionally, The Labor Department recently reported the percentage of workers across all age groups quitting their jobs reached 2.4 percent in May, the highest level in 16 years. While no company leader wants to hear this seemingly ominous news, it could be the break hiring professionals need. But to make the most of this anticipated increase in employee exits, hiring professionals need to ensure theyre fully equipped and prepared to use virtual bewerbungsinterviews to impress new talent. To do this, they must fi rst understand why employees are preparing to quit as well as how virtual interviews can address those issues. Lets take a look at how you can use virtual interviews to attract talent as they begin exiting their current careers Offer flexibility as a necessity, not a perkThe New York Post recently profiled 25-year-old Sarah Soloman who quit her high-powered, glamorous NYC PR firm job to chase her dreams to travel around the world. Like Soloman, many millennials resent the lack of flexibility offered by the majority of companies and are taking control of their lives by leaving even the most high-paying jobs to find it. Respondents in the previously mentioned Deloitte report are on the saatkorn page. Fifty percent of millennials in the report say flexible hours and location are very important when choosing to work for an organization. An additional 44 percent of Gen Z employees say the same. Younger employees are feeling burnt out, making flexibility in all organizational aspects a ne cessity, not a perk. Virtual interviews give them the power to choose when and where they want to interview. Some potential candidates may be off taking a much-needed mental break, while others would need to schedule around a strict work schedule. No matter what their status, virtual interviews have the ability to make them feel valued and less anxious during the hiring process something theyre craving when feeling overwhelmed and tied down. While candidates are taking mental breaks, virtualinterviews give them the flexibility they need.Click To TweetProve youre not stuck in the mudEmployees believe forward-thinking companies are making a difference in the world. Respondents in the Deloitte report who say geschftliches miteinander leaders are making a positive impact on the world also say their employers are making great use of Industry 4.0. They go on to suggest employers offering increased flexibility achieve greater profitability and provide work environments that are stimulatin g, healthy, and satisfying. The importance of Industry 4.0 to employees revolves around the idea that employers are focused on the future. As AI and other advancing technologies drastically change the business world, candidates want to know the next career move they make is with a company thats prepared for the future. While virtual interviews still rely on human-based decisions, unlike Industry 4.0 technology, they show your company leaders are adaptive and unafraid of moving into the future. Offer one-way virtual interviews as a sign that youre both flexible and prepared to take on futuristic technology. Before candidates begin the interview, present fun video testimonials of your current employees to immediately establish a connection to your healthy and stimulating work environment. Virtual interviews show candidates youre not stuck in the past. hiringprocessClick To TweetShow your prioritiesMany employees, especially millennials, are losing faith in business. The majority of mi llennials in Deloittes report, for example, believe companies have no ambition beyond making money. During the interview process, hiring professionals must prove their priorities go far beyond monetary gains if theyre going to sway candidates in their direction. Todays candidates need to know youre concerned with their experiences and positively impact your current employees lives with nontraditional working conditions. To do this, allow candidates to schedule their own virtual interviews using an online scheduler. By simply clicking on a link and choosing a time that works for them, candidates will feel empowered by your process. This first impression will set the tone for the rest of the interview process, showing candidates their time is important to you. Then, during virtual interviews, bring in their potential future co-workers to answer any questions about tasks, culture, and even company priorities. How do you use virtual interviews to bring candidates to your team? Let us kn ow

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


OutplacedOutplacedTo research his new movie, The Company Men, Director John Wells visited outplacement centers and interviewed hundreds of job seekers. Their stories are the movie.Ben Afflecks expression is a mixture of dejection, despair and pained embarrassment as he looks around the crowded boardroom. Up Up Up Lets go This is called The Tiger. We do it when we need to get our energy up. The motivational chant is led by a Suze Orman look-alike dressed in a chic black pantsuit. The participants, all in business attire, rise from their chairs. Come on, I know you are sitting around feeling sorry for yourselves, she continues, her voice building in power. I - will - win. Why? Because I have faith, courage, enthusiasm Good Affleck stands and joins the rest of the group in the chant, a sheepish smile spreading over his face.In The Company Men, Ben Affleck plays Bobby Walker, a sales executive who is one of the first to lose his job at Boston conglomerate GTX when hundreds of employee s are laid off in a consolidation decision designed to appease shareholders. Brash and self-assured, Bobby regards himself as a top-flight company man, a winner with all the charm and the drive necessary to soar to the upper echelons of management. So when he finds himself unemployed he is initially incredulous but assumes that it will be only a matter of days before hell secure another high-paying position.As part of his severance package, Bobby is offered career search assistance at an external job placement center. The outplacement services - which include advice on resume writing, networking tips and pep talks - are provided in a building that in many ways mirrors Bobbys previous work environment, including cubicles for laid-off workers from middle management and eckball offices with nice views for former VPs or CFOs.These people come in looking like they have just been in a major automobile accident. I think of myself as a physical therapist. I go into the room right after so meone comes out of major surgery and say Get out of that bed and you have got to start walking. I know it is painful. I know you dont want to. Get up and walk. That is how I perceive myself. This welches the explanation given to John Wells, the director of The Company Men, by the motivational trainer he met at an outplacement center while researching his film. I visited them. I didnt make that chant up, the 54-year-old writer-producer-director said. The Tiger chant is something I saw them do in Los Angeles. The trainer was very bright and savvy. Afterwards, I said to her Dont you feel vaguely ridiculous doing that? And she said, Oh, yeah. It is completely ridiculous but you dont understand. These people are in shock. Look Like SuccessBobbys shock turns to anger and then shame. I need to look successful, he tells his wife (played by Rosemarie DeWitt). I cant just look like another ahole with a resume To which she replies You are another ahole with a resume Her wake-up-and-smell-the- coffee plea to him is ignored. Bobby tries to maintain his plush suburban dream, continuing to play golf at his country club and refusing to tell family and friends that he has lost his job.I think this is particular to American men and our society, Wells said. We define ourselves through our work. Who we are is based on what we do and how much money we make. He points out that many white-collar workers are defined by appearances I am successful because you see I am successful.The Company Men, it would seem, is tailor-made to reflect the soaring job losses and crippling unemployment of our times, but the movie was, in fact, conceptualized over 10 years ago. The impetus for Wells to write the script was rooted in the boom and bust of the years in the late 90s. Wells brother-in-law, along with many others, lost his job at the time, and while the script is not his story it inspired Wells to dig deeper into the repercussions of job loss. Wells also interviewed several hundred pe ople in researching the experience of job loss before and during production.I talked to men who had been vice presidents. I talked to men who were doing all kinds of service jobs, like managing a Chuck E. Cheese because they still wanted to work, to be useful but there was no opportunity for them, he recalls. He received more than two thousand responses when he posted solicitations in chat rooms, requesting anecdotes about being laid off. At the time he had not heard about outplacement services.Writing the Last RecessionWells drafted a script incorporating all hed learned but by the time he submitted it to Warner Bros., the mini-recession at the end of the last millennium had faded. In 2007 he worked on a substantial rewrite of his script. Each recession has its own individual motor in the way in which it works. I rewrote it assuming that by the time we did it, it would be a historical document. And clearly we are still in the midst of it. Now, weve got tens of millions of people wh o have experienced unemployment. We do test screenings and at the end we always ask how many people have had this personally happen to them or someone in their immediate family or a close friend and everybodys hand goes up. Everybodys going through it.And there are people who are being completely left behind, Wells observes. In this country, the underemployed is a huge statistic that nobody really talks about, with many making 40 or 50 percent of what they did before, doing jobs that are substantially below their experience level. They are just happy to have a job.The current recession, Wells believes, is going to have a much longer-lasting effect than the impact of the economic downturn that inspired his script. There is a huge portion of older workers - who arent particularly that old - who still have a lot to give but are not going to find new places in this economy, post-recession.In the Midst of Something SubstantialThe Company Men, it could be argued, has elements of a cauti onary tale. When Bobby is fired, he is overextended on his credit cards and within months he is struggling to pay the mortgage on his house. Yet he chooses to ignore these realities and continues to try to keep up with the Joneses.I think that we are in the midst of something substantial changing in the way in which we perceive our financial security as a nation, Wells said. It has happened to too many people. In the short term it is tougher for the economy but in the long term it is better for everybody involved. Wells points out that his grandparents and parents had been very affected by the Great Depression and made decisions about their finances and jobs based on their experience of that era I think that my generation, and the people who are younger than I am, have ignored that because we havent really had that experience.Ben Afflecks character, Bobby, is written with a certain amount of arrogance for his own invincibility, Wells said. I dont overstate it but I think there is a bit of that in how we perceive ourselves as Americans. We make decisions that we shouldnt make based on this sense that everything is going to go our way. That is not particularly healthy for any individual or for the country. We cant be this overextended.He was attracted to the notion of a character like Bobby whom you sort of dont really like but you come to feel sympathy for the human situation that he is in. I think that there are many more people out there that are versions of Bobbys character. It can be anybody who was making $50,000 or $150,000 to $200,000, a group of people that have had to completely rethink what their future is going to be. And that is a huge portion of the population.Bobby eventually learns to abandon his arrogant attitude and reorder his personal and career priorities. Wells notes that in his research he realized that people who found themselves out of work eventually learned important life lessons through the hardship they faced You discovered who your friends were. You saw your family gather around you. You discovered that your children didnt really care so much what you do but who you are. The film is trying to get at the journey that we go through in difficult times. Its not necessarily easy and not necessarily better in many senses of the definition. But it is uplifting. And you end up stronger.

Friday, November 22, 2019

3 Tips for Interviewing the Interviewer

3 Tips for Interviewing the Interviewer3 Tips for Interviewing the InterviewerInterviewing for a job feels kind of like datingthe excitement, the nervousness, the prospect of life-changing possibilities. But unlike dating, interviewing can feel emotionally one-sided, especially if you are new to the dance. It may seem like those in the interviewers chairs are the ones who hold all the cards. Sometimes in your efforts to impress them, you may forget that you have power in this conversation what you think of the organization and the staff that facilitates the meeting matters, too.You are not the only one being interviewed here. You are doing that very same reconnaissance to see if you can be happy at this organization and in this role, so take full advantage of the opportunity. Ask your questions and be aware of any red flags you notice about the staff, the company or the position. Viewing the meeting as an equal exchange between interested parties will boost your confidence and calm y our nerves.You bring value to this meeting, and if all goes well on both sides perhaps you will reach a mutually beneficial agreement. If its not a fit, you will have that much more experience as an interviewee, and that is always helpful to have in your toolkit. Try not to emotionally inflate the meeting. Life is full of interviews. Do your homework, and do your best. Then be at peace your work is done.Keep in mindOrganizations recruiting new staff are eager to find qualified candidates. The staff you are meeting with is probably swamped with work because of the open position, and they are anxious to get their team up and running at full speed. Its very likely that one or more people conducting the interview are temporarily doing the work that they will give back to this position once a candidate is hired. If thats the case, they want to fill the position ASAP. Its helpful to identify who on the interviewing team is currently filling this role because that clues you into who will b e training the new hire. That also tells you who can answer your most targeted, task-based questions.The hiring process is a long road, and employers are as eager to make the right hire as you are to get the right job. They are looking for the person who is a good fit and also whom they think will be relatively easy to onboard. They also hope to find someone who will stick around for a while, so they dont have to go through this process again anytime soon. Institutional knowledge is a precious commodity, and turnover absorbs a lot of time and resources. Qualities that make you easy to onboard and likely to stay are always attractive to an interviewing team.Do your homeworkAn interview is like any other professional meeting, so use your time and the interview teams time well. Research the names of any interviewers you receive in advance. Learn about the company. Dont wait to be asked for relevant materials bring a simple writing sample, lesson plan, diagram or report as long as its n ot cumbersome, no set-up is required and it enhances the meeting by concisely demonstrating a particular skill or example. Be prepared and mindful of everyones timeincluding your own.Ask questions that will inform your decisionYou are invited to ask questions. Use the invitation well. Ask about the history of the position for which you are interviewing. How long was your predecessor in the role? How about that persons predecessor? If you learn that the position has had a lot of turnover, you want to learn more about that. You may find that the job was just restructured and you may think that the revised position sounds like a great fit for you. Dont be shy about asking direct questions. Be professional, of course, but get the facts you need to make a good decision. A job change has a huge impact on your life and even if you are unemployed, you dont want to take a job that has a poor track record of success.Often, you get the chance to meet with various people on the team including p eer staff members. This is a great opportunity to learn what it is really like to work at the organization. Get down to the nitty-gritty with them and find out how long they have worked there and what they like about their jobs. If you have questions about work-life balance, this is a good time to ask those. It is also a good opportunity to ask about the leadership at the organization in high-level terms for example, what is it like to work for the manager and what is his or her leadership style like?Identify red flagsJust like with dating, be honest with yourself about things that dont sit well with you, no matter how much you like other things about the company. These red flags may not be deal-breakers, but they are issues that you need to resolve as you grapple with your decision, so pay attention to them and trust your instincts.If you find that there have been five people in the position you are applying for in the past eight years, that is a serious red flag. If you find that there are four open positions on a 13-person team, you may want to ask about that. If the interview team indicates that the president or CEO of the company is difficult to work with, and the position you are interviewing for directly supports that person, you need to consider whether or not you want to invite that stress into your life.There are toxic relationships on the professional front just as there are in the dating world. Know your value and trust your instincts.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Is your dream job what you want Ask yourself this question

Is your dream job what you want Ask yourself this questionIs your dream job what you want Ask yourself this questionAsk most people what their dream job is, and theyll tell you the opposite of whatever theyre doing right now.If theyre working in a cubicle, theyd rather be travel-blogging their way around the world.If theyre driving for Uber, theyd rather be writing Grammy-award-winning hit singles.If theyre slaving away at an advertising agency, theyd rather be making strides toward becoming the next great entrepreneur.Heres the thing about dream jobs though99% of the time, theyre unrealistic.I dont mean unrealistic in the same way your parents probably used the word, telling you something is impossible.I mean unrealistic in the most basic sense.Your dream job is unrealistic for you, because you dont actually love the work itself.You just love the IDEA of the endresultIts very easy for someone to say, I would so much rather be a famous musician, a multi-millionaire tech entrepreneur, a world-traveling chef, an Instagram influencer.Thats because the end result is so easy to imagine. Were surrounded by it every single day?- ?on magazine covers, in viral social media posts, on television, even in the conversations we have with our friends and family members.Everyone loves the IDEA of the end result. And so they spend their lives telling themselves that same narrative, over and over again, criticizing their 95 job while simultaneously daydreaming about the life they could be living.The irony, however, is that nobody ever achieves that end goal by being in love withitAsk anyone who has achieved something great in their lives about their journey, and they wont tell you about the rewards at the end.Theyll tell you about the day to day habits that went into it. Theyll talk about the work itself, the mindset, the motivation to improve and master their craft, the exploration process.The end rewards? Those are just byproducts.They are not the underlying purpose.When peopl e imagine their dream job, they dont realize they are in love with the end result more than they are the work that goes intoitWhich means, in bestellung to find out what your dream job really is, you cant ask yourself what end reward you want.That question is elusive, and often times leads you astray.Instead, you need to ask what activities you enjoy doing on a daily basis.How can you expect to become a famous musician if you dont enjoy practicing the guitar?How can you expect to become a super successful entrepreneur if you cant find the joy in early morning meetings, traveling, and a high-stress lifestyle?How can you expect to become a best-selling author if you despise sitting by yourself and writing?You cant.Finding your dream job is all about reverse-engineering what activities you enjoy doing on a daily basis, that will allow a desirable end result to manifest on itsownMost people never understand this concept.Instead, they spend their entire lives wishing they were living a l ife that, in all honesty, they really dont want. Thats not how they prefer to spend their time?- ?because if it was, theyd find a way to do it.What you need to ask yourself is, in a perfect world, how would you spend your morning?What activities would you do?And in the afternoon, how would you like to spend those hours?What activities would you do?How would you like to spend your dinner? With whom? Where?How about your evenings?Once you lay out all the different activities youd like to do on a daily basis, compound those activities over five, ten, or twenty years, and imagine what might manifest as a result?You are the product of what you spend your timedoingYou cant say, I want to be this insert end reward and then not enjoy spending time on a daily basis practicing and working toward that end reward.So, if you want to figure out what your real dream job is, ask yourself what you would enjoy doing on a daily basis.Then compound the result of that activity over X number of years.Tha ts where youre headed.And if you dont like where youre headed, change what youre doingright now.This article originally appeared on Inc. Magazine and then your dream job what you want Ask yourself this questionAsk most people what their dream job is, and theyll tell you the opposite of whatever theyre doing right now.If theyre working in a cubicle, theyd rather be travel-blogging their way around the world.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIf theyre driving for Uber, theyd rather be writing Grammy-award-winning hit singles.If theyre slaving away at an advertising agency, theyd rather be making strides toward becoming the next great entrepreneur.Heres the thing about dream jobs though99% of the time, theyre unrealistic.I dont mean unrealistic in the same way your parents probably used the word, telling you something is impossible.I mean unrealistic in the most basic sense.Your dream job is unrealistic for you, because you dont actually love the work itself.You just love the IDEA of the endresultIts very easy for someone to say, I would so much rather be a famous musician, a multi-millionaire tech entrepreneur, a world-traveling chef, an Instagram influencer.Thats because the end result is so easy to imagine. Were surrounded by it every single day?- ?on magazine covers, in viral social media posts, on television, even in the conversations we have with our friends and family members.Everyone loves the IDEA of the end result. And so they spend their lives telling themselves that same narrative, over and over again, criticizing their 95 job while simultaneously daydreaming about the life they could be living.The irony, however, is that nobody ever achieves that end goal by being in love withitAsk anyone who has achieved something great in their lives about their journey, and they wont tell you about the rewards at the end.Theyll tell you about the day to day habits that went into it. Theyll talk about the work itself, the mindset, the motivation to improve and master their craft, the exploration process.The end rewards? Those are just byproducts.They are not the underlying purpose.When people imagine their dream job, they dont realize they are in love with the end result more than they are the work that goes intoitWhich means, in order to find out what your dream job really is, you cant ask yourself what end reward you want.That question is elusive, and often times leads you astray.Instead, you need to ask what activities you enjoy doing on a daily basis.How can you expect to become a famous musician if you dont enjoy practicing the guitar?How can you expect to become a super successful entrepreneur if you cant find the joy in early morning meetings, traveling, and a high-stress lifestyle?How can you expect to become a best-selling author if you despise sitting by yourself and writing?You cant.Finding your dream job is all ab out reverse-engineering what activities you enjoy doing on a daily basis, that will allow a desirable end result to manifest on itsownMost people never understand this concept.Instead, they spend their entire lives wishing they were living a life that, in all honesty, they really dont want. Thats not how they prefer to spend their time?- ?because if it was, theyd find a way to do it.What you need to ask yourself is, in a perfect world, how would you spend your morning?What activities would you do?And in the afternoon, how would you like to spend those hours?What activities would you do?How would you like to spend your dinner? With whom? Where?How about your evenings?Once you lay out all the different activities youd like to do on a daily basis, compound those activities over five, ten, or twenty years, and imagine what might manifest as a result?You are the product of what you spend your timedoingYou cant say, I want to be this insert end reward and then not enjoy spending time on a daily basis practicing and working toward that end reward.So, if you want to figure out what your real dream job is, ask yourself what you would enjoy doing on a daily basis.Then compound the result of that activity over X number of years.Thats where youre headed.And if you dont like where youre headed, change what youre doingright now.This article originally appeared on Inc. 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